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  • Common Types of Ransomware

    Ransomware is a huge and growing problem for businesses, and organizations of all sizes need to devote considerable resources to preventing infections or recovering their data if they fall victim to a ransomware attack. It’s a problem that shows no signs of going away. That’s because ransomware is easy to produce, difficult to defend against, […]

  • How to Encrypt a Flash Drive Using VeraCrypt

      Encryption is a smart idea for protecting data on a USB flash drive, as we covered in our piece that described how to encrypt a flash drive using Microsoft BitLocker. But what if you do not want to use BitLocker? You may be concerned that because Microsoft’s source code is not available for inspection, […]

  • Top 7 Full Disk Encryption Software and Solutions

      Download our free Encryption Vendor Report comparing Digital Guardian and Microsoft BitLocker based on reviews, features, and more! Full disk encryption software protects the contents of laptops and other computers by requiring password or multi-factor authentication to be successfully completed before the system can boot, as noted in our full disk encryption guide. To […]

  • 6 Ways to Make IAM Work for Third-Party Organizations

    Issuing one-time password (OTP) tokens to third-party organizations to provide privileged remote access to your network can lead to a data security disaster, warned research director Felix Gaehtgens at the Gartner Identity and Access Management (IAM) Conference in London earlier this month. “For employees or contractors working internally who need privileged access, having OTP is […]

  • Everything You Need to Know about NGFW

    The next generation firewall (NGFW) was first identified and defined in 2009, but adoption has been relatively slow. By 2015 Gartner estimated that fewer than 40 percent of enterprise Internet connections were secured using NGFWs. Gartner expects demand for NGFWs to explode over the next few years, however, as enterprises seek better ways of securing […]

  • Are There Open Source Vulnerability Assessment Options?

    Failure to fix known software vulnerabilities is a big reason why organizations’ networks get breached. In some cases organizations run software with known vulnerabilities for years. Forty-four percent of known breaches in 2014 were caused by unfixed vulnerabilities that were between two and four years old, according to HP’s Cyber Risk Report 2015. This is […]

  • Open Source Software’s Role in Breach Prevention and Detection

    Security professionals are increasingly acknowledging an uncomfortable truth: No network is secure from a sufficiently skilled and determined attacker. So while every effort should be made to prevent intruders getting on to the corporate network, it’s important that you can quickly spot an intrusion and minimize the damage that can result. Anton Chuvakin, a security […]

  • 5 Big Improvements in Wireshark

    Nmap was not the only popular open source network security tool to receive a recent upgrade. Wireshark 2.0.0 , an open source tool used for network sniffing and packet analysis, also got a major update in November. The new release of Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal) is important because if you want to keep your […]

  • 10 Open Source Security Breach Prevention and Detection Tools

    While the breach prevention and detection market is dominated by names like Symantec, McAfee and Juniper, open source tools are also popular with security pros. Open source security breach prevention and detection tools can play a major role in keeping your organization safe in the battle against hackers, cybercriminals and foreign governments. Here are 10 […]

  • 5 Key New Features in Nmap Network Security Tool

      A new version of Nmap, a hugely important open source security tool used for network mapping and port scanning, exploded onto the scene last month, giving network security staff and others who use it an early Christmas present. No obscure open source network mapping tool, Nmap has been featured in more than a dozen […]

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