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  • Encryption

    Top 10 Full Disk Encryption Software Products

    Protect your data with the best disk encryption software. Compare the top solutions now.

  • ransomware prevention

    How to Decrypt Ransomware Files – And What to Do When That Fails

    For any organization struck by ransomware, business leaders always ask “how do we decrypt the data ASAP, so we can get back in business?” The good news is that ransomware files can be decrypted: Tools (paid or free) can be obtained to decrypt ransomware. Ransomware recovery specialists can be hired to perform the decryption and […]

  • Ransomware Protection: How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

    The best way to prevent ransomware is also the best way to prevent any malware infection – to implement security best practices. Of course, if best practices were easy, no ransomware attacks would occur. All organizations, even the most prepared, will be vulnerable to ransomware attacks to some degree. The most resilient organizations must not […]

  • DDoS attack types and prevention

    Complete Guide to the Types of DDoS Attacks

    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks occur when attackers use a large number of devices to attempt to overwhelm a resource and deny access to that resource for legitimate use. Most commonly, we see DDoS attacks used against websites, applications, or services exposed to the internet, but DDoS attacks can also be applied against specific computers, gateways, […]

  • Vulnerability Patching

    Vulnerability Patching: How to Prioritize and Apply Patches

    Every IT environment and cybersecurity strategy has vulnerabilities. To avoid damage or loss, organizations need to find and eliminate those vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. Some of those vulnerabilities will be found and fixed by vendors, who will provide patches and updates for their products. Other vulnerabilities cannot be patched and will require coordination […]

  • Sample Patch Management Policy Template

    How to use this template: Comments intended to guide understanding and use of this patch management policy template will be enclosed in brackets “[…]” and the ‘company’ will be listed as [eSecurity Planet] throughout the document. When converting this template to a working policy, eliminate the bracketed sections and replace “[eSecurity Planet]” with “YourCompanyName.” This […]

  • How to Recover From a Ransomware Attack

    Ransomware response and recovery can broken down into four steps: 1. Isolate, Assess, Call for Help: 2. Recover what can be recovered, replace what cannot be recovered. 3. Apply lessons-learned and block future attacks. 4. Revise (or create) the ransomware incident response plan. 1. Isolate, Assess, Call for Help The initial incident response requires the […]

  • cloud security

    Cloud Security: The Shared Responsibility Model

    Cloud security builds off of the same IT infrastructure and security stack principles of a local data center. However, a cloud vendor offering provides a pre-packaged solution that absorbs some operational and security responsibilities from the customer. Exactly which responsibilities the cloud vendor absorbs depends upon the type of solution. While cloud security offerings provide […]

  • A person monitoring a data breach.

    Okta ‘Breaches’ Weren’t Really Breaches

    With two high-profile breaches this year, Okta, a leader in identity and access management (IAM), made the kind of headlines that security vendors would rather avoid. After seeing headlines like these, some executives and customers lose faith that multifactor authentication (MFA) technology, particularly Okta’s, will protect their organizations, but should they? The tech world defines […]

  • Data privacy compliance laws: GDPR, CCPA, and PIPL.

    New SEC Cybersecurity Rules Could Affect Private Companies Too

    For years, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) strongly advised public companies to improve their cybersecurity. However, after minimal corporate adoption of stronger cybersecurity, the SEC has drafted rules to require more formal cybersecurity reporting and disclosure. This requirement copies the strategies of previous legislation that dramatically improved financial reporting for both public and […]

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